সাত কলেজের বাণিজ্য ইউনিটের ইংরেজি অংশের সমাধান
- টিডিসি ডেস্ক
- প্রকাশ: ২৬ আগস্ট ২০২২, ০৬:২৬ PM , আপডেট: ২৬ আগস্ট ২০২২, ০৬:২৬ PM

১। The flood water …. agricultural fields.
Answer: inundated
২। My friend's father died of a rare …
Answer: disease
৩। The young man was rewarded for his …… behaviour.
Answer: Good
৪। The worker used …… to patch up the hole in the wall.
Answer: cement
৫। He speaks English
Answer: Fluently
৬। The train is very slow, it travels. ……. 10 miles an hour.
Answer: at
৭। I reminded my mother …… her promise.
Answer: of
৮। I am worried ……… the exam.
Answer: about
৯। The Russia-Ukraine war is pushing ……… wheat prices in the global market
Answer: Up
১০। He was acquitted the charge of theft
Answer: of
১১। Choose the correct sentence.
Answer: Have you ever been to Sylhet?
১২। Choose the correct sentence.
Answer: Can you tell me when the plane is leaving?
১৩। Find the correctly spelt word.
Answer: assistance
১৪। Which of the following is a masculine gender?
Answer: bull
আরও পড়ুন : শিক্ষাব্যবস্থা হবে বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তিবান্ধব: শিক্ষামন্ত্রী
১৫। Find the correctly spelt word.
Answer: receipt
১৬। What is the synonym for ‘resentment’?
Answer: indignation
১৭। What is the antonym for 'conceal"?
Answer: reveal
১৮। A basket of apples ……. been sold.
Answer: has
১৯। I don't know who ……. the chair.
Answer: broke
২০। Our teacher a lecture on inflation yesterday.
Answer: gave